Mon 27 Jan
Carmel 🌸🎀💄 Pretty ❤️ Thick 😊 Tight 😘 🆕Number Text Me 😍 I'm Available 24/7 Day & Night 💋🌃 - 21
(Columbia, Two Notch /Parklane)
🎀AMBER🎀@PURE til 10pm!! Dont miss me!❤ Leavin til Monday!🎀🔥💦 Check out New pics&video; 📷📽 - 22
American Spa 803-731-5154 Tableshowers / with New girl LEXIE, SASHA, & LEAH - 22
(652-C Bush River rd Columbia 29210, Columbia)
♥ _E A S T E R N__ E U R O P E A N __ ♥ __B L O N D E_ ♥_ 100% __R E A L__P I C T U R E S__ ♥ - 22
(Columbia, Out To You!)
XxX KRISSA MILIAN XxX Rookie Entertainer of the year ~*~~ Dreaming of Being with a PORN STAR??? - 28
(Columbia, SC)
Up early 30/35qv -Curves for Your PLEasure*803 297 3339 limited time only 50 no limit - 22
(Columbia, Bush river)
😴what r u waiting 4 ?😴🐝🍯$weet pea Has everything u need🍯🐝call me 803-369- 4405 - 40
(Columbia, west columbia, cayce)
The Girl Next Store!! Sweet & Petite!! Highly Reviewed & Real PIcs - 23
(Columbia, west columbia (airport area))
➰🌞➰TGIF➰🌞➰Marley Favors YOU 👇➰🌞➰Available Now ‼ (216) 673-3662➰🌞➰(NO AA) - 25
(Columbia, Columbiana Piney Harbison |Available NOW)
This little mama iZzz DoPe!!! ReaDy ItS go TimE With Mess RouNd GoT AddicTed - 25
(Broad river private loc, Columbia)
*~* ♥ *~* the Wild Kitten ♥ is lose in Columbia 80 specials ♥ - 38
(Columbia, columbia/ off 26)
* Sumter * volumptious size physical attraction and more... - 18
(Columbia, Sumter and Surrounding areas in/out)
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥ - 23
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, In/Out)
Petite Bomshell Redbone $45, $70, $100 spec. - 22
(Columbia, west columbia sc/ airport blvd incalls)
Off I-77: $80 SpEcIaLs ☎️ 8034038450 ☎️★ { Ph@T JuIcy bOoTy OiLED uP & Ready 2 BoUnce On IT! - 69
**Miami Finest **~ Miss Diamond ~& ~Bubbles~two girl special **$$100 - 28
JUICI 50rose special ALL NITE TOUNE RING Im hosting MUST B N COLUMBIA ill do whatever for the bread - 20
Kimberly, AVAILABLE NOW. no rush, highly reviewed! SPECIALS I am white💋💦 - 22
(Columbia, West Columbia)
√√√√Leavingg TODAY!!!=) 45$$pecialsss Big Busty Booty Vixen ^_^ Availible CALL NOW!!!
(Columbia, Two Notch Road ^_^)
40 40 40 Spl....Trying 2 make ur day a little better.....with a little CHOCOLATE WATERFALL...... - 20
(Columbia, Ft.Jackson Blvd)
👍👍🌟40$ QV & $120 anyway u want it special 👍👍🌟 sweet pea 💋803-369-4405💋 - 40
(Columbia, w.columbia ,columbia)
~NEW PuRe PLeAsuRe ** BLisS ** --OMG--I'm 1 ---SeXy--* * B -L -O -N -D -E * * - 21
»——» ★DING!! =Click Here= ((( FR3AK JACKP0T))) -MIXED GIRL GONE WILD- **Busty DD's - 21
(Hartford, exit 58 5* discreet incaLl NON RUSHED)
👠👠👠👠👠DIRTY DIANA👠👠👠👠👠 Beautiful Brunette 👠👠👠👠👠 Lots of Toys 👠👠👠👠👠 Fetishes 👠👠👠👠👠 - 27
(Hartford, Hartford exit 33❤️, Windsor Locks)
The Gorgeouss Ms. [-FANTASY*) ; Greenville's -T R U E * Definition Of An Independent* PlAYMATE* - 20
(Incall ONLY!)
Where Do You Go When Your Wife Says No? Let Me Satisfy Those Urges for You! ;) - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, In town, Myrtle Beach)
Wow take LOOK Specials specials specials special specials specials specials - 21
(Columbia, 2 notch)
The Best Special U Can Ever Imagine!!! pecial!! Last Couple Days in Business!!!!!! - 24
{SiNFuL} ❤ {SeDuCTiVe} ❤ {SeXY} ❤ { DeSCreET } ❤ - 23
Reviewed ▃▐▐▐▐▐▃MODEL TYPE GIRLS ▃▐▐▐▐▐▃✦ ALWAYS PROFESSIONAL & DISCREET✦▃▐▐▐▐ HURRY! save my snapc - 21
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, Will be visting your city soon)
Tue 21 Jan
😍Puerto Rican Mami💦Incall $60qv outcall $70💋Call me Baby - 25
(Columbia, Lexington/west columbia/in calls & Out)
NEW BEAUTY VISITING💋💕💋 Disponible inmediatamente "UpScale💋sexy Brazilian&black; mixed babe - 23
(Columbia, Forest Dr)
NeW PiCs!! $40special I DO WHAT SHE WONT TAylor So FREAKY Call Me NoW!!! B00tY LoVeRs - 22
(Columbia, Piney Grove UPSCALE LOCATION)
💕Jazmine Jay💕🐒let me get that early morning monkey off your back🐒 $40INCALL SPECIAL 5AM-10AM - 24
~*~* HeLlO GeNtLmEn SeXy ErOtIc ChOcOlAtE ThIcK TrEaT, NeW In Ur CiTy MuSt HaVe!~*~* - 24
Come have some fun with a hotty with a great body
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, hotel room)
Bring That Rock Hard Erection My Direction, And Let me Show you How Naughty I Can Be!...... - 23
(incall-columbia/outcalls to everywhere)
°★©° ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °★©° ((=HOT=)) °o©° $ 80 SPeCiALS - 19
(Broad River/surrounding)
$35qv $60hhr $90hr..Ex@C†L¥ WH† U N€€D ☆★ •NÂUGH†¥ S€DUC†iV€ †R€A† ☆•★ 24/7 SP€C!ALS★•☆ - 24
(Columbia, incall hardscrabble rd)
💦💋$40 $60hh $130hr💋💦 Leaving The Bussiness Last few days in town Don't miss out on the best Redhead - 21
(Columbia, 💋worth the drive💋 Piney Grove Rd 😘)
[ XOXO ] I'M HoT SWEET ____&____ READY TO PLAY [ XOXO ] - 30
(Columbia, Columbia&SurrAreas-CallNOWForSpeciais;!)